Pricing - Dunduin Retirement Livery

Dunduin Retirement Livery
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Not many of us like talking about money, however it's best to be clear and straightforward so you know what to expect and what will need paying for outside of the normal monthly figure, with bills being clearly itemized.
The pricing has been worked out to provide the best base care whilst meeting owners' budgets.

Any questions, please shout!
If viewing on mobiles, please swipe left to see the full table.
Shetlands have a 10% discount off these prices - it would be more but the fencing etc., for them costs a lot!

Prices are per calendar month
In Addition
@ Cost
Daily checks - 2x a day, with general on-going visual checks
Hooves picked outY-
Monthly weigh-taped & body condition scoredY-
Grooming - as horse needsY-
Rugs on/off - as horse needs / weather dictatesY-
Boots on/off - as horse needsY-
Updates to owners - daily WhatsApp, or weekly or monthly (you choose)Y-
Hay - ad lib as weather, grazing, etc., dictatesY-
Lotions & Potions - the application ofY-
Fly Spray & Sun Cream - provision and application of
Feeding - 1x per day
Holding - ad hoc, vets, farriers, etc.
Rug Washing - organise, take & collect
Rug Repairs - organise, take & collect
Hard Feed - organise & collectY-
Rug Washing-Y
Rug Repairs-Y
Hard Feed-Y
Worm Count Programme
Wormers - if worm count results dictate
Farrier - 6-8 week trims dependent
Dentist - 1-2x p/yr dependent on horse
Veterinary Type & Other Consumables-Y
Use of dog field-Y
Box Rest - at vet's and / or owner's instruction-Y

Horses see the farrier every 6-8 weeks, with all our horses being barefoot on arrival as a rule and only shod if the farrier and / or vet determines that it's necessary. Please note: by 'shod' we mean only on the fronts, we don't have shod hinds.

We follow a mainstream lab worming programme, with wormers only used if necessary.

Please note: these are strictly necessary for the welfare of the horses and are part of the care package here.

Innoculations are the horse owners decisions. It's a closed herd, with new horses going through quarantine and so the chances of Flu are low, though of course can't be ruled out, and Tetanus is one most owners do choose to have.
Whilst the tick list above shows all the things that are included we will of course hold, help and manage everything that's needed. Additional costs that occur, such as box rest for anything greater than two days, will be billed at the end of the then relevant month.

** Of course it's stating the obvious, but of course the horse's needs come first and we'll always do what we need to make sure the horse is well kept and cared for.

Please note: we carry yard insurance, however, just to be clear, our yard insurance covers the horses and yards and third parties, it does not cover vet's fees - all vets fees, other than those stipulated above, are the responsibility of the horse's owner.
Copyright Dunduin Retirement Livery 2022
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